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Licorice snus lovers were devastated in 2015 when Swedish Match delisted first Nick & Johnny Small Batch Licorice snus followed by General Licorice Portion snus.
In November 2015, rumors began surfacing that Swedish Match was planning on releasing a new licorice snus in the form of XRANGE General Salmiak Slim Large Portion snus.
Word of another new XRANGE snus; Grov Slim Large Portion, also leaked out.
I, Moe Unz, was pretty confident that these rumors were correct. I had filled Peter Hagberg, then our Swedish Match e-commerce Manager, with a great deal of whisky before bringing up the rumors.
Peter can hold his liquor but I am no ordinary opponent. He had no chance and no memory of our conversation after waking up in the back seat of his car.
XRANGE General Salmiak Slim Large Portion snus and XRANGE Grov Slim Large Portion snus will be officially released on 1 Feb 2016 but I, Moe Unz, decided to start
By the time this post is published, I, Moe Unz will be quite full of food, drink and snus. Especially drink. That is why I wrote this 2 days ago during a brief period of sobriety. Hopefully it will turn itself on 1 January 2016 (GMT) so you may read it.
The first quarter of 2016 will be an exciting one for snus lovers around the world (where legal). By the end of January, Mr. Random Number Generator will have picked the winners of our 2015 Customer Appreciation Event.
Twenty winners will receive either one or two rolls of their favorite snus, shipped free to them nice and fresh. The lucky Grand Prize winner will receive Free Snus for a Year! Make sure is on your safe senders list. Winners will have 72 hours to respond to our email before another winner is chosen.
Good luck to all who entered and to all the Weekly Prize Winners!
Snus Master Blender Conny Andersson and I, Moe Unz, have been drinking companions for longer than I can remember. I first learned of the plan for the new Crafted Snus premium designer snus way back in January.
Each year, the Unz family performs a comprehensive review the catalog of products available at the Snus Store. It is during this review process that decisions to add or remove snus brands, accessories, and rarest of all, snus manufacturers, are made.
In 1997, Swedish Match invented White Portion Snus and launched the world's first White Portion product in 1998: Göteborgs Rapé White. What you may not have known is that before Göteborgs Rapé White, there was Göteborgs Rapé Original Portion snus.