Current Discount Codes for the Snus Store

The following discounts/snus coupon codes are active as of 6 June 2019 at the SnusCentral Snus Store. During the check-out process, enter the codes below if you qualify and receive the discount.

ALL products including snus, nicotine pods, Swedish candy, metal snus cans and accessories are included!  Shipping Costs do NOT count; we are talking product order totals only.  As if those greedy bastards at Swedish Post or UPS would give you a volume discount....HaHaHa!

  • 20% Off your Entire Product Order for First Time Customers! The Code may only be used once. Use Coupon Code LV2F8F at Checkout.  Shipping costs not included.
  • 20 USD Off your Entire Product Order for product orders exceeding 250 USD!  The $20 will be deducted automatically at checkout. No limit on the number of orders this discount will apply to! Shipping not included in 250 USD minimum purchase.
  • Every Week we offer Specials discounts and FREE Bonus Cans of Snus on our Sale Page! The above discount offers apply to these Snus Sale Specials too!
  • We bring you the FRESHEST snus at the LOWEST possible prices delivered VERY QUICKLY. Our Customer Service is also rated the BEST On-Line by our satisfied customers

At various time throughout the year we issue other promotional discount codes advertised through various media. Keep an eye out for them!

Enjoy your REAL Snus!

Manager and Snus Legend Snus eStore