How to Use Snus: A Quick Guide

How to Use Snus: A Quick Guide

Nobody does snus quite like the Swedes. With Swedish snus boasting a heritage dating back more than a hundred years, snus-ing is basically a skill passed down through the generations in the Nordics. But by following a few simple instructions, anyone can reach the same level of snus mastery!

This article provides a complete guide to how to use snus (both loose and portions), along with some info on what to expect.

How to Use Snus Pouches

For anyone who’s used nicotine pouches before, switching to snus pouches is kind of like swapping out sandwiches for baguettes. The lack of tobacco in nicotine pouches may make them fundamentally different to snus, but it barely changes the usage.

Both products are placed in the same part of the mouth (under the upper lip), and they’re also consumed in roughly the same way.

Simply leave the snus portions in place as they release nicotine and flavor, then remove them. Remember to dispose of them appropriately in the trash — that means no flushing down the toilet!

Some people swear by “fluffing out” their snus portions by rolling them between their fingers before placing them in the mouth. Others like to move them around in the mouth. It all comes down to personal preference, but it will probably take a few attempts to really perfect the snus experience.

White and Original Portions

That covers the basics about using snus portions, but we’re not quite finished yet — the snus portion experience differs significantly depending on the type of snus used.

White portion snus is the most similar to nicotine pouches, with both products looking kind of like small, white pillows.

Original portion snus has a brown color instead, meaning it doesn’t look like a pillow anyone would want to use.

The difference in color is because white portion snus undergoes a manufacturing process that reduces moisture contents and refines the tobacco. As a result, white portion snus doesn’t cause staining or dripping (similar to nicotine pouches).

Original portions have much more moist contents. As a result, they may drip or stain the teeth or hands. For snus purists, this adds to the charm, but it’s certainly not for everyone.

How to Use Snus (Loose)

Anyone who thinks that original portion snus is an inconvenience should count themselves lucky that they weren’t born a few decades earlier! Before portion snus emerged in the 1970s, all snus was loose snus.

Loose snus is ground tobacco (mixed with other ingredients). Because it’s a powder, users need to make the portions themselves, requiring them to get “down and dirty” with their snus.

Forming a portion involves putting the index finger and thumb into the powder and doing one of the following:

  • The farmer’s pinch. Taking the snus and putting it straight into the upper lip
  • Hand-baking. Forming the snus into either a ball or cylinder

Similar to original portion snus, loose snus has moist contents and can cause a mess. Let’s just say it’s not one to use while taking an airplane or sitting in the office.

How to Use an Icetool

Like the idea of loose snus but not the messiness of using the hands to make a portion? In this case, it actually is possible to have your cake and eat it.

The secret weapon is using an accessory to help, such as the icetool.

Don’t be fooled by the name, it has nothing to do with ice). The icetool is a snus portioner made of stainless steel or aluminum and shaped in a cylinder, kind of like a syringe without the needle.

Just place the portioner into the snus can to load it up, and the snus will come out shaped as a wedge — ready to go into the mouth.

How Long Does Snus Last?

Unlike products like cigarettes that provide an “instant rush” that fades almost as quickly, snus generally provides a longer-lasting release.

However, the exact length of that release varies between products:

  • Loose snus: Up to 45 minutes
  • Original portions: Up to 45 minutes
  • White portions: Up to an hour

This discrepancy is due to the moist contents of original portions and loose snus versus the drier contents of white portions. The mouth doesn’t need to put as much work into creating the moisture needed for the release, because the snus already has it built-in.

Since white portions are drier, the salivary glands play a key role in ushering in the release.

But all snus products are different. Just because two items are both loose snus (or both all-white portions), it doesn’t mean their moisture contents are the same.

Expect a different experience from General versus Ettan versus Siberia versus any other snus brand.

Do You Spit Snus?

The ingenious design of snus makes it possible to consume tobacco without producing harmful liquids.

Snus ingredients are pretty simple, consisting of:

  • Tobacco
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Flavorings
  • Moisture-preserving agents
  • Sodium carbonate
  • Taste enhancers 

None of the above are harmful items to swallow (at least, not for the average person in small amounts). This means there’s no need to spit out the liquids snus produces.

In theory, it’s even possible to swallow an entire snus pouch. But it’s best not to test this out, as more than the occasional accident could cause some damage.

Snus Sussed Out

It can take a little while to really get a “feel” for snus, as there are a few different types and every product is a little different.

But eventually, anyone can learn to snus like a Swede! Just place the snus below the upper lip, leave it there for up to an hour, then dispose of it sensibly.