Attention: Snus is not available to all destinations. You will be notified of restricted products in the checkout.
Hello from me, Moe Unz. It is 2 days since I started celebrating the arrival of 2018. I'm sitting alone in my office at with a glass of Ardbeg whisky and a can of Islay Whisky Portion Snus taking a party break....and I just had an idea!
My mailbox is often filled with questions from those new to Swedish snus. One of the most common questions asked is why does snus have expiration or Best Before dates on the cans. Swedish snus, like milk or meat, has a limited time before it will turn bad. Fortunately, whisky has no such problem but I digress.
Snus users in Switzerland can thank me, Moe Unz, because you can still buy your snus legally at the Snus Shop!
Catching even Swiss legislators and consumers by surprise, the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (BAG) redefined the definition of "smokeless tobacco" to specifically ban everything except actual chewing tobacco and similarly packaged products sold over the counter in Swiss stores.
The 23 Aug 2016 ban included products similar to snus but labelled "Chewing Tobacco" or "Kautabak". For some crazy reason, it also allows the sale of the clay-like Makla products which contain significant amounts of substances dangerous to your health.
I was packing my broom and preparing to travel to Switzerland to beat the bureaucrats at BAG over the head repeatedly when I received good news.
For fear not, Swiss snusers; the BAG
The release of the Göteborgs Rapé White Stark Portion Snus Limited Edition is significant in three ways. However the flavor is not one of these.
In addition to Swedish snus and whisky Swedish Snus Lord Moe Unz loves beer. I'm am excited to announce that the SnusCentral Snus Store has proudly added Mellgren's IPA Lös snus and White portion snus to our catalog.