Attention: Snus is not available to all destinations. You will be notified of restricted products in the checkout.
By placing an order at you are entering into a purchase contract and agree to all its Terms & Conditions. You must be at least 18 years of age or older to order tobacco products at and comply with any and all legal restrictions in effect in your State, Province, and/or Country. Snus might be subject to import and customs duties and fees, these charges are to be born by you as the importer of the goods.
By accepting these terms & conditions you are certifying you are of legal age and meet all other legal requirements to purchase tobacco and have it shipped to the location you specify. To misrepresent your age is a felony charge. Those found falsifying their age will be prosecuted by the law. The contract of sale is subject to normal conditions of Swedish law. The contract is only binding for both parties when this store has registered payment.
Discount Coupons: will publish through various sources promotional discount codes for First Time Buyers at During the payment process, there will be a space for you to enter your discount code. Each new customer is able to receive the 10% Off New Customer Discount only once. Discounts apply only to snus or other product ordered. It does not apply to shipping or other ancillary charges. Various Discount Codes may contain expiration dates. The expiration date will be clearly printed with the Discount Code. You can find the Discount Codes on our Discount and Discount Code page.
Promotions: We will conduct a number of special offers and promotions throughout the year. Keep an eye out for them!
Payment and Security of your Information does not have access to any information about the card or your bank account.
You can use Visa, Mastercard, Eurocard, PayPal, or any other payment option we list in the future for payments online.
We use Nets for the electronic card transactions, which guarantee that the information such as credit card number and signature codes are handled with high security. All transactions are sent through a SSL (Secure Socket Layer)-secured server with a password protection. Nets handles the information in confidence and we never take part of your credit card number.
Our internal system sends the transaction through a secure (encrypted) connection to a Nets Server and Nets perform authorization with the bank. With an approved authorization the amount will be reserved on your account and upon shipping the amount will be settled.
Payments are done by first choosing type of card and then fill in credit card number, the cards period of validity and CVV2/CVC2-code. You can pay in several different currencies.
Registration Problems?
If you have a problem registering, please Contact Us.
Payment Will Not Go Through?
Please check that your card is valid (that the expiration date has not passed) and that it is a MasterCard, Eurocard, or VISA. The expiration date is on the front of the card (good thru date/expire date), stated as month and year. The card number is the number on the front of your card (about 16 digits), which you should enter in an unbroken sequence (with no spaces).
Card still Declined?
Some card issuers do not allow their cards to be used for online shopping. Ask your card issuer if that restriction applies to your card. For security reasons, many card issuers also require that you notify them in advace if you are making a purchase outside of your home country. You may also have insufficient funds available on the credit card to fund your purchase. In these cases, your own bank can tell you exactly why your purchase did not go through.
No Order Confirmation Received
You may not have received an order confirmation for any of several reasons. Check that you gave us the correct e-mail address. Did you see a page with the text: "Thank you for your order? An order confirmation has been sent to your e-mail address"? If you did, the order went through and e-mail was sent to the e-mail address you entered. Your e-mail server may have been down when we sent our e-mail. Use the Contact Us form on The Snus Store at
Order Not Received
Go to My Account in the main menu and log in with your user name and password for information about your most recent approved order.
Wrong or Damaged Merchandise
You must notify us of wrong or damaged merchandise within seven days of receiving it via the Contact Us form at We will send you replacement merchandise if the problem was our fault. We do not replace merchandise that the customer ordered by mistake or compensate for any other kind of error, loss, damage, or delay that is beyond the control of We do not issue refunds for returned merchandise.
NOTE: If you specified your delivery be sent by UPS, see the Delivery and Shipping section under damaged or missing merchandise for instructions and how to file a claim. Contact Us too! If there is a dispute, we follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Board for Consumer Complaints.
If you have any questions about our merchandise and shipments or your order, please use the Contact Us form on the website.
"Change of Mind" Returns
Sorry, none allowed. As Swedish snus is a perishable item, we cannot accept "change of mind" returns.
Always the Best Price Policy always strives to offer its valued customers the Best Price for Swedish Snus around! Oh, some show-off may beat our prices occasionally, but they're not as friendly as we are and dedicated to your satisfaction. And we make sure our snus is always fresh too!
Limitation of liability
To the fullest extent permitted under applicable law neither, MaKe WeBo AB –UTL, nor any of their subsidiaries shall in no event be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, punitive, special, accidental or other damages relating to or resulting from the use or inability to use the Site or its content, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Links to external sites
With the exception of our sister site at, this Site has no control over information at sites hyperlinked to the Site and encourages you to be aware of when you leave the Site and to read the site policies of every other site you visit. makes no representation, and is not responsible for the quality, content, nature or reliability of any hyperlinked site or of any website linked to a hyperlinked site. SnusCENTRAL is providing hyperlinks only as a convenience and the inclusion of any hyperlink do not imply any endorsement, investigation, verification or monitoring by SnusCENTRAL of any information contained in any hyperlinked site. In no event shall be responsible for your use of a hyperlinked site.
Children's privacy
Tobacco and related products are directed to an adult market. Therefore, the Site is solely intended and restricted to those users above 18 years of age or the legal age of tobacco use in your State/Country; whichever is higher. encourages parents to take an active role in their children's use of the Internet. Please keep them off
User's indemnification
The user shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs, resulting from any violation of these Terms and Conditions or any activity related to the users use of the Site (including, but not limited to, negligent or wrongful conduct).
Your use and the Terms and Conditions of the Site shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sweden, without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof. You irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the Swedish courts in any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with Your use or the Terms and Conditions of the Site, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof.
Miscellaneous may revise these Terms and Conditions at any time at its own discretion. If any term of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be unlawful, invalid, and void or for any reason unenforceable, the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
Thank you for visiting The Snus Store at and adhering to the Terms and Conditions. We're sorry our lawyers made us put all this in here and make you read it.
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Vi erbjuder följande betalsätt:
Qliro gör det enkelt, flexibelt och tryggt för dig att handla på nätet. Du har möjlighet att välja det betalningsalternativ som passar dig. Genom att ange eller efterfråga information i kassan godkänner du våra användarvillkor och behandling av dina personuppgifter.
Fakturan ska betalas inom 14 dagar från fakturadatum. Fakturan skickas via e-post till den mejladress du anger vid köpet.
Vid försenad betalning skickas en påminnelse till dig och det utgår en förseningsavgift om 60 kr samt dröjsmålsränta med 24% + gällande referensränta. Vid ytterligare försening tillkommer en lagstadgad inkassoavgift.
Vid fakturaköp förbehåller vi oss rätten att göra en kreditupplysning genom Qliro AB. Insamling och behandling av dina personuppgifter samt kreditupplysning är nödvändig för att vi ska kunna behandla ditt önskemål om 14 dagars kredit.
För mer information om Qliros villkor klicka här.
Köp nu - Betala Senare<
Ränta 0%
Uppläggningsavgift 39 kr.
Inga ytterligare avgifter tillkommer.
Fakturan skickas med e-post i mitten av kampanjmånaden.
Vid försenad betalning skickas en påminnelse till dig och det utgår en förseningsavgift om 135 kr samt dröjsmålsränta med 24% + gällande referensränta. Vid ytterligare försening tillkommer en lagstadgad inkassoavgift.
Vid köpet förbehåller vi oss rätten att göra en kreditupplysning genom Qliro AB. Insamling och behandling av dina personuppgifter samt kreditupplysning är nödvändig för att vi ska kunna behandla ditt önskemål om kreditköp.
Fullständiga villkor: Qliros fullständiga kampanjvillkor hittar du här.
Se också Standardiserad Europeisk Konsumentkreditinformation.
När du väljer delbetalning får du genast besked om din ansökan har beviljats och vi kan hantera ditt köp omgående. Skulle din ansökan inte bli beviljad kan du gå tillbaka och välja ett alternativt betalningssätt.
Du kan ha ett eller flera pågående delbetalningsköp och Qliro sammanställer dem på en månadsfaktura som skickas till dig via e-post i mitten av varje månad. Du kan när som helst under delbetalningstiden betala hela din kvarvarande skuld.
Kortbetalningar hanteras av inkClubs betalningspartner Digital River World Payments vars betalväxel uppfyller kraven för den internationella säkerhetsstandarden PCI DSS som kortbolagen VISA, Mastercard, Diners, American Express och JCB har enats om. Betallösningen tillämpar 3D secure, en teknisk säkerhetsstandard framtagen av Visa och Mastercard i syfte att ge kortutgivaren möjlighet att verifiera sin kortkunds identitet vid handel på internet. Vid kortbetalning kommer du att omdirigeras till Digital River World Payments sida där du fyller i dina kortuppgifter och genomför betalningen. Överföringar mellan kund och inkClub, samt mellan inkClub och Digital River World Payments, krypteras med SSL. SSL står för Secure Socket Layer och innebär att kortinformationen skickas via en säker förbindelse, innebärande att ingen obehörig kan se din kortinformation. inkClub hanterar eller lagrar aldrig dina kortuppgifter.
CVV eller CVC är en tre- eller fyrsiffrig verifieringskod som används för att öka säkerheten vid betalning med kort på Internet. CVV-kod (Visa) eller CVC-koden (Mastercard/Eurocard), är tryckt i signaturfältet på baksidan av ditt kort och är alltid de tre sista siffrorna. På American Express hittar du CVV-koden på kortets framsida, och är då de fyra siffrorna till höger om kortnumret.För ytterligare information om Digital River World Payments, klicka här.
Vi erbjuder en rad olika leveransalternativ som du kan läsa mer om här.
När du gör en beställning på en vardag skickar vi normalt dina varor samma dag. Väger din beställning under 2 kg och har ett värde under 1 500 kr skickas den som brev. Brevbäraren avgör om brevet kan delas ut eller hämtas hos närmaste postombud. Om dina varor väger över 2 kg eller har ett värde över 1 500 kr skickar vi dem som paket.
Det kan finnas tillfällen när vi inte skickar din beställning samma dag, till exempel när en vara är tillfälligt slut. Beställer du flera varor och en av dem är slutsåld kommer vi att vänta med att skicka hela din beställning tills alla varor finns i lager igen.
Du har rätt att häva köpet om förseningen är av stor betydelse för dig, genom att kontakta oss här. Om du redan har betalat betalar vi tillbaka pengarna inom 20 dagar.
För beställningar till postnummer som börjar med 62 samt 83-98 är normal leveranstid mellan 1-3 dagar beroende på leveranssätt.