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Licorice snus lovers were devastated in 2015 when Swedish Match delisted first Nick & Johnny Small Batch Licorice snus followed by General Licorice Portion snus.
In November 2015, rumors began surfacing that Swedish Match was planning on releasing a new licorice snus in the form of XRANGE General Salmiak Slim Large Portion snus.
Word of another new XRANGE snus; Grov Slim Large Portion, also leaked out.
I, Moe Unz, was pretty confident that these rumors were correct. I had filled Peter Hagberg, then our Swedish Match e-commerce Manager, with a great deal of whisky before bringing up the rumors.
Peter can hold his liquor but I am no ordinary opponent. He had no chance and no memory of our conversation after waking up in the back seat of his car.
XRANGE General Salmiak Slim Large Portion snus and XRANGE Grov Slim Large Portion snus will be officially released on 1 Feb 2016 but I, Moe Unz, decided to start