How to Use Nicotine Pouches in 4 Steps
Heard about nicotine pouches? These small sachets of flavor and nicotine originated in Sweden, but they have since taken the whole world by storm. Using them can seem puzzling to first-timers — but they’re simpler to use than first appears.
This article breaks down how to use nicotine pouches of all brands, sizes, and strengths. We’ll also answer some of the most frequent questions we encounter here at SnusCentral.
Nicotine Pouches: How to Use Them in 4 Steps
Let’s get straight into things. Below, we’ve outlined four simple steps to guide anyone through the process of using nicotine pouches.
Those who already know how to use snus will likely find that the process is broadly similar.
1. Take Out a Pouch
To be able to enjoy a pouch, putting it in the mouth is crucial.
It would be tough to get this step wrong! Simply open up the nicotine pouch can and take out a single pouch, holding it between the thumb and index finger.
2. Place the Pouch in the Mouth
Putting a nicotine pouch in the mouth for the first time can feel strange for those who haven’t used a similar product before. But it’s simple enough.
Place the pouch between the upper lip and gum. It should be high enough to avoid making contact with the teeth, but there’s no need to apply too much pressure or force.
Sometimes, pouch pros get so used to this process that they can put the pouch on their tongue and use that to put it into place. However, this probably isn’t something to try on the very first attempt!
3. Leave the Pouch There
Knowing how long to leave a nicotine pouch in the mouth might be the most confusing part of using the portions. However, it’s one of those things that sounds confusing when explained in words but is simpler when put into practice.
After placing a nicotine pouch in the mouth, the sensation of nicotine and the flavor will emerge (it usually takes a few minutes). Once this feeling starts to wane, it’s time to take the pouch out.
But when it comes to how long this takes, every pouch is a little different — the release can last anywhere from thirty minutes to over an hour. This depends largely on how moist the portion is.
The duration of moist pouches is more on the short side, while dry pouches last for longer. Dry pouches also have a more balanced release, while moist pouches are more intense.
4. Take the Pouch Out
Once the nicotine pouch has run its course, it’s time to take it out. No swallowing, however!
There’s only one place that pouches should go after finishing them: The trash can. If there isn’t one nearby however, it’s okay to put them somewhere safe temporarily. Some pouch cans have a special lid where used pouches can go when there’s not a trash can close by.
While pouches can’t be recycled, the cans are recyclable.
How to Store Nicotine Pouches
Those who are switching from snus to nicotine pouches are sometimes concerned about nicotine pouches expiring if they’re not stored in the refrigerator or a similarly cool place. However, since nicotine pouches are free from tobacco, this isn’t an issue.
Just put them in a dry and relatively cool place.
How Long Do Nicotine Pouches Last?
The last thing anyone wants after buying nicotine pouches is for them to expire before having a chance to try them! As mentioned above, since nicotine pouches don’t contain tobacco, they last longer than snus.
Typically, nicotine pouches last for around a year after their production (the date of which is stated on the can).
However, for those who want to be sure, just check the date. Nicotine pouches don’t technically have an expiry date, but they do have a “best-before” date. This is on the conservative side, and the pouches may last beyond this point. It depends partly on the temperature and other storage conditions, and how moist the pouches are (drier pouches last longer).
TIP: The earliest date on the can is always the production date, and the later date is the “best-before” date.
How Many Nicotine Pouches to Use Per Day
The number of nicotine pouches to use per day is a personal decision that comes down to the user. For those who are using pouches after trying a different nicotine product (like cigarettes or snus), matching the nicotine contents can work.
However, keep in mind that the absorption rates can differ between products.
Generally, it’s better to start off with just one or two lower-strength pouches per day, and only increase this gradually.
How to Choose a Nicotine Pouch
Even more important than using nicotine pouches properly is making sure to choose the right pouch. It can take a while to find the perfect product, so why not enjoy trying out a few options before settling?
Some factors to consider include:
- Moist vs dry pouches
- Flavor (minty vs fruity vs coffee-based or other more out-there options)
- Slim format vs mini format
Wondering what everyone else is consuming? Some of the most popular brands of nicotine pouches include On! and VELO, so checking out these products can be a good place to start.