General ONYX has been Cancelled!

General ONYX has been Cancelled!

Snus maker Swedish Match AB announced yesterday that they were delisting the iconic General Onyx Black Portion Snus in 2022.  Here is a summary of their statement in English:

"Onyx launched in 2005 as a unique premium snus within the General Snus family.  Just this year, General Onyx Titan was launched in the iconic black portion pouches Onyx has been known for.  But sadly, both Onyx Silver and Onyx Titan are having their production ended."

The products will be removed from retail store shelves during 2022.  Our remaining warehouse stock will be sold before 2 March 2022 or as supplies remain.
Speaking for the Unz Family Snus Dynasty at a hastily held press conference in Stockholm, Snus Lord Moe Unz told the media.

Are they crazy?  General Onyx has been an enduring part of the General brand family for 17 years!  It stood as the premium snus standard for the snus world!  More importantly, it has also been a favorite of me, Moe Unz, for 15 years!  This is a snus abomination of the highest order!  Wait, I must call Swedish Match Distribution and order as much Onyx as we can fit into our warehouse!
The Unz family has reached to Swedish Match executive management for more information on this tragic decision.  We also would like to know why the Unz family was not consulted.

What a sad way to start off 2022.  Hasn't the world suffered enough over the last two years?  It is going to take a LOT of whisky and General Onyx Silver to get me, Moe Unz, through this disaster..... fan helvete.

Gott Nytt Snus År!

Snus Lord and Manager
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